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Believe in Yourself - 

When confidence is under a rug somewhere. When hope is in the rear view mirror. When determination is great! ... as long as it doesn't require moving. When things are just ho-hum. Even then, God has way more planned for us than we do - more than we can imagine. 

'Believe in Yourself' will spark the energy you were created with to strengthen and empower you. To realize that YOU are on this earth, at this time for a plan and a purpose. 


The Risky Business of Friendship - 

Jesus had twelve closest friends. He knew what and who He needed around Him at all times. What is His model of friendship, and how does that look in our every day lives? What should we expect from our friends? Will they all be perfect? Do I need to be perfect? 

This session will help everyone navigate expectations and outcomes. Remember, sometimes putting yourself out there as a friend can be risky, but the value of friendship is worth every risk.


Picking Stuff Up - 

Sometimes I'm spent from bending down to pick up things. The floor, the closet, the drycleaning, the check, the car - I don't want to 'pick up anymore'! Frustrating. Yup. 

Often when we are just picking up the 'stuff of life', we pick up many other, heavier things - resentment, anger, bitterness. This workshop will help clean up your heart as you're cleaning up your home.


ME University - 

A three part workshop on discovering the truth about "What I say about me", "What others say about me", and "What God says about me" and sifting the TRUTH out of each facet of who you really are.


What If... - 

Daydreaming - it's easy, isn't it? Thinking on the past fondly, reminiscing with old friends. But can it be too much? Can it take over?

This search through the scripture will explore then benefits and drawbacks of remembering and allow you to choose the path to walk in. "The steps of a righteous (wo)man are indeed ordered by God!"



Side Notes

  • All sessions can be tailored to fit the needs of your group for time, presentation, and audience needs. If you are planning a ''themed" event, be sure to let me know so I can dress appropriately!

  • When speaking at an event, I like to get to know you, have a little information on the make-up of your group. I am a very direct communicator who likes to have fun!

  • Presentations are in keynote and require some visual surface (screen, plain wall, etc.) for projection.

I look forward to building up and encouraging your women's group!
Contact Me For Rates and Dates

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It is my pleasure, my passion, and my joy to help build women up with the Word of God. My heart is to encourage women and help them realize who they are in Christ.
As a speaker and trainer for over twenty years, I have landed on these honorarium for various types of events: 

  • 15-30 minutes - $75

  • 30-60 minutes -  $150

  • Weekend women’s retreat: $325 (3-4 1 hour sessions)
    Plus traveling/lodging.

I have a heart to minister as much as God allows, and am committed to never pass on a speaking engagement request because of budget constraints. So if my rates don't fall within your plans, please let me know what you are able to offer and we’ll work together to make it happen.

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