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Catch Your Breath

Stand for a moment - stand and take a deep breath…

think about breathing for just a few seconds.

Concentrate on your breath going in and out - the rise and fall of your chest - think about each of the ten muscles your body is employing to inhale, and the eight muscles it uses to exhale. Think about the fact that your breathing is causing oxygen to travel through miles of veins and capillaries, and delivering oxygen like a little train to every needed part of your body. As you exhale, you are literally ridding your body of toxins and poison. And go ahead and stretch if you like.

Did you find it a little challenging to breath as you thought about it? Did you find the exercise refreshing - like a necessary pause in your busy day?

We don’t always appreciate breath, do we? Every day we do it- around the clock - in and out - sometimes slower, sometimes faster - but we haven’t ever completely stopped breathing - because if we had, we wouldn’t be reading this right now. Breathing is very commonplace, isn’t it?

Just because it’s commonplace does not make breathing unimportant, unnecessary, irrelevant, without purpose, insignificant...

- Wait a minute -

Just because you are common, ordinary, and regular does not mean you are not necessary, irrelevant, without purpose - GIRL! You are purposeful, useful, your value is far above rubies, you are significant, you are important, and YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Hand of Almighty God.

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