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5 Practical ways to PUNCH depression in the face

Waking up in the morning and the first thing your mind take note of is the weighty cloud again invading and surrounding you. It's the worst.

Having been there myself, here are five things that will be impactful in breaking you free from the grip of depression. 1) Speak Truth Over Yourself

What you are FEELING is real. The pressure is real. But what you're THINKING may not be. Write down what you're thinking about this depression, and see if any of it can be changed to being true.

EXAMPLE: THOUGHT: I am insignificant. TRUTH: I matter.

Any time you start hearing your thoughts say that you are insignificant, you need to grab that thought. Stop it in it's tracks. And say aloud over yourself. "I am significant. I am important. God formed me and created me for His purposes upon this earth at this very moment."

NOTE: At first this will feel very uncomfortable, unproductive, possibly ridiculous, and unbelievable. But, the more you speak truth statements over yourself, the more right it will feel. If you have to write these words out on an index card and stick them on your bathroom mirror, in your car, refrigerator, in your wallet, on your pillow - do it! Whatever will make it easy for you to get access to the TRUE WORDS OF LIFE to speak over yourself.

By doing this, you are giving power to your words, holding God true to His Word, and battling the enemy of your soul. Things beyond your own understanding are bound to happen.

2) Ask For Prayer

One of the biggest lies the enemy would like us to believe is that we are alone in this world. If the enemy of your soul can isolate you, he can get you to believe any lie he throws your way.

But guess what?

You aren't the only one experiencing this - whatever it is! You're not alone!

As my Pastor says, "We all live at the same address" - that means you will not be the first, only, or last person to experience whatever it is that you're facing right now - whether it be depression, anxiety, confusion, over-whelmedness, fear.... whatever it is - you're not alone. There is someone who has gone through exactly what you are in the middle of. Reach out for prayer so you'll not be in this alone.

Is any among you suffering? Then he must pray!

Pray for one another that you may be healed!

3) Do For Yourself

Why get up in the morning? Why get dressed? Why brush your hair or teeth? Why go for a walk?

Because YOU are worth it.

I know it doesn't feel like it. But we've already discussed that what you FEEL isn't always what is REAL. Lisa Terkheurst put it, "Feelings are indicators, not dictators"

Today is a day to go beyond what you did yesterday. Are you going to FEEL like doing it? no.

Are you going to want to do it? no.

Are you going to do it? ... only you can answer.

4) Do For Others

I understand that getting up and out for yourself is hard enough. But for some reason, when someone else is depending on us, we go beyond measure to meet their needs.

Find something you enjoy doing, and invite others to your 'party'.

Do you like knitting, crocheting, paper art, making coffee, baking, singing, driving, praying, visiting...? Look for a way you can engage another person to bring them blessing in this manner.

Knitting/Crocheting/Paper Art - find someone to teach your skill to - find a group of gals to slip in with - take your materials to the local coffee shop and see what happens -

Making Coffee/Baking - invite someone over, bake goodies and take a tray to the firehouse or retirement home, see if there's anyone you can help in your church or elementary school bake sale

Singing - Join a Choir!

Driving - ask the retirement village if they need volunteers to take shut-ins places

Praying/Visiting - so many people need a visit! There are people, just like you, who need to know someone out there is in the same place - I know you're one of them - but you can be an answer to someone's prayer

5) Make Up Your Mind

Today doesn't have to be like yesterday or tomorrow. I am sure as you've read through these you have felt an overwhelming battle that may sound like doubt, fear, or wasted energy.

But I know from my experience, one of the biggest turning points in breaking free from depression was the day I said, "I can not do this anymore. I WILL not do this anymore! I must experience a change" And I decided that no matter how hokey or weird or overwhelming the challenge was, I was going todo it - no matter how ill-equipped or insignificant I felt, I was going forward.

I made up my mind to stop letting depression beat me up, and I started to punch depression in the nose - right where it hurts - square between the eyes - and as I got stronger, I began to hit harder, and where it counts, andI didn't back down.

One. Punch. Each. Day.


  • These are not scientifically proven methods or theories. They are five things I have experienced in my personal life that have helped me move forward.

  • Seek counsel - a professional life coach, therapist, counselor, physician, psychiatrist, pastor.

  • Properly diagnosed emotional issues can be effectively treated with medication.

  • I hope that this will cause one person to take the next step toward health and freedom.


  • This heaviness doesn't have to be forever.

I'm praying for you!

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