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Too Tight!

Sophomore year of high school, I stole my Mom's shirt. (The fact I can remember this incident is stunning alone.) It fit okay. It was kind of big and bulky, and I liked that in a sweatshirt.

All day long, even though I was physically comfortable, I was an emotional wreck. Over and over running through my mind were the plans of how I had to beat her home at the end of the day, wash it, dry it, hang it back up, and pretend like I didn't know anything about it.

The shirt fit my body fine, but I was uncomfortable. The shirt didn't fit 'me', it didn't fit who I was. I had to pay special care that I didn't get pencil lead on the sleeves, paint on it during art class, and heaven forbid if it had gotten a rip or a slight tear... I was so concentrating on keeping the shirt in excellent condition, I don't think I learned anything at all that day of high school.

Or did I?

I learned in detail why it's not right to wear someone else's clothing. Now that I'm thinking about it, I know it's that way for our spiritual selves, too.

All too often we see a gift manifest in others and think "I want to do that!" but it's not your gifting - it's not your area of expertise. It's like wearing someone else's prom dress. It's really uncomfortable.

Girl, you know what I'm saying. Don't try to be who you aren't.

'But in fact, God has arranged the members of the body, every one of them, according to His design.' 1 Corinthians 12 - check out the whole chapter.

You are on this earth with a purpose and a plan, to effect personally those around you, to impact others, to encourage one another, to strengthen and lift up, and to point others toward God, Himself.

Some will do that through teaching and preaching, some through over-the-fence neighborhood ministry.... bloom where God planted you...just remember a lilac bush produces lilacs - and if it tried to produce a rose, the beauty of the lilac wouldn't be seen, it's growth would be stunted, and the aroma would not be the same.

Be who you are. Wear your own clothes.

Oh, and that sweatshirt - it had a bad word on it though it was 1987, it still wasn't acceptable in public school. I was called down to the principal's office. Stopped in the bathroom and turned it inside out before I visited Miss Fisher and Mr. Tobin. So, the school had to call my Mom, and I was ratted out anyhow.

(When you're not being your authentic self - you'll be 'ratted out'. You will be uncomfortable, and everyone around you will know.)

...And now my kids know...

Incidentally two short years later when I submitted my senior photo for the yearbook, I learned there was controversy on whether or not they would allow it to be printed because I was holding my Bible. Yes, it was published....and I am glad to report that those are my real clothes.

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