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Perfectly Imperfect

So, yeah, it finally happened - after years of bragging that I had never had a problem with my iPhone, despite multiple drops in the grocery store - my screen cracked.

Like big time. The entire glass is practically shattered. It looks bad!

And I'm not getting it replaced.

Because in all of it's shattered brokenness, the phone is fully functional. There is a screen protector on it, that holds all the tiny shards of glass in place, and protects my fingers from slivers - and I can swipe, touch, shrink and stretch just as I did when it was in perfect condition.

As a matter of fact, I don't worry about it getting stolen. Who would want it? It's mine - it's marked by me. As a matter of fact, whenever I look at this glass, I am reminded of God's hand on my life.

"Fully Fractured, and Fully Functional"

I am never going to be perfect.

Neither are you.

And that's not only okay - it's perfect!

How my shattered iPhone reminds me of God's hand

1) It is shattered - no one else will want it - but it is mine

We are shattered - but we belong to God

2) I rarely actually 'see' the shattered glass, but I always see the functionality.

God uses us based on our ability, not our inability.

3) If there were 10 broken iPhones on a desk lying next to one another, I bet I could still pick mine out of the crowd.

God knows us intimately, one from another, we are individually unique.

4) The cost of getting my screen replaced is rather exorbitant.

We are costly, expensive, valuable, invaluable, priceless.

5) In its broken condition, I have learned more truth about how God sees me.

When we are broken before God, we become teachable and grow stronger in Him.

Today, recognize your value in your broken places, and allow God to use your places of Perfect Imperfection.

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