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Isn't it what we want?

Control - of the TV

-of the situation

-of the future

-of the surroundings

-of ourselves

Although Self-control and the ability to refrain oneself is a valued trait, controlling situations and people is not.

We can't control another persons mind will and emotions, no matter how good our argument is. Even as convincing parents, we can't MAKE our children do what we want - we can discipline them and reward them, and train them up in the way they should go, but the CONTROL of that is out of our hands. As a matter of fact - the weather, the financial situation, the health and wellness of our bodies - it's really out of our control.

But it is ALL in God's control.

Doesn't that seem easier? You don't have to do it all - God's got it. You don't have to BE it all - God's got it. As a matter of fact, I believe that the most effective way we can praise God is not something we have control over, it's when we GIVE control back to Him. It's laying down our life and our situation and our plan and agendas, and letting Him be God of it...let Him be God of it ALL. It boils down to this - TRUST. Trust God to be in control. Let Him walk in and take over. "Let go and LET God".

What are you facing that seems out of control? TRUST.

God's got this. He's in control of making sure you do not dash your foot against the stone.

He's trustworthy.

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